The Lebanese Druze leader, Walid Jumblatt, in a televised broadcast, accused Iran and Syria to be behind the initiative of Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah in kidnapping the two Israeli soldiers, thereby providing Israel with an alibi to destroy Lebanon, once again, if only to avenge its earlier defeat and evacuation of Lebanon, at the hands of Hezbollah combatants. We know that Walid Jumblatt has no love for the Syrians, who had assassinated his father, Kamal, because of his adamant refusal to submit to a Syrian dictate. As for Iran, the meeting which took place between the French and Iranian Foreign Ministers at the Iranian Embassy in Beirut is but one indication of the complicity of Iran in the war on Lebanon. The objective of Iran is to divert the attention of the world away from its uranium enrichment programme. Syria, on the other hand would like nothing better than to see Lebanon destroyed over the heads of its inhabitants, as the head of the Regime, Bashar el Assad had vowed to do.
Undoubtedly, Walid Jumblatt is courting assassination; and thus all the greater merit for his statements.
Having said all this, we may be permitted to ask, what does Israel hope to achieve in its war on Lebanon, other than to please that asshole in the White House? Does Israel expect to destroy Hezbollah? Or does it expect to occupy with impunity the territory between its frontiers and the Litani river? It tried it before and failed. In military terms it can be able to reach the Litani, and then what? This is the question that every Israeli should ask himself.
What is lamentable is that Syria which has not fired a shot on the territory occupied by Israel in the Golan, aids and abets Hezbollah to fight Syria's war in Lebanon, and of course Lebanon pays the price. Will Syria fight to the last Lebanese and to the last Palestinian to retrieve its Golan?
What do you want from Assad? It's very convienent to have others fight your wars...
we try to have quiet in our notrh border and if we dont have it u dont have it in beirut.u most take care on your south border!
If I might make a suggestion, stop bashing our blibbering idiot in the white house I mean asshole. If the Lebanese government or it's people would stand up to terror there would be no need for hez-eboli to provide the service that the government should be able to supply it citizens. I think the world would put an end to this israeli hostility and rebuild the country for you. The only thing keeping Iraq from prospering are the terrorist/insugents. and I say terrorist not freedom fighters.
I think Israel's stated objective is its real objective: no armed Hizbullah and a return of the soldiers.
Is this obj achievable with the IAF? Maybe not. Israel has made mistakes in the past.
Alla Ma3oo Walid J.
All those on the fence MUST follow suit. Now.
You ask : "what does Israel hope to achieve in its war on Lebanon, other than to please that asshole in the White House? "
I guess... it is also to instaure a Vichy type of government in Lebanon whose members will divide and plunder Lebanese ressources (water is not the least of them). It wants to deliver the goods into the sympathetic hands of its future allies and partners.
I find it highly counterintuitive for Nasrallah abiding by Syria's wish to destroy Lebanon, if the main destroyed areas were Shia. This simply doesn't make sense.
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